General Meeting Minutes for 2020 

Grand Island Lions General Meeting
January 22, 2020

Attendance:  15 in attendance Anne Fahning, Tom Digati, Tom DiJohn, Gloria Wise, Anne Ryan, Tom Witkowski, Dick Crawford, Bob Goulding, Kim Pressley, Tom Rusert, Paul Bassette, Paul Krupa, Shelia Ferrentino, Donna Lavallee, guest Joan Dlugokinski

Lion President Anne Fahning called the meeting to order at 6:54 PM Pledge: Tom Digati, song Donna Lavallee, Paul Bassette; prayer.
Lion Tom introduced our guest Joan Dlugokinski who will present to the club on “Save the Michaels of the World”
Lion Paul B made a motion to the tail twister, seconded by Lion Dick, all in favor.  Lion Tom W circulated with questions. We are looking for a volunteer to share the tail twister duties.  Lion Anne Ryan volunteered to do the second meeting of the month.

Split Club: Lion Tom:  Total in the split club is $50 drew Shelia Ferrentino drew a silver nugget. The pot continues.

Lion Anne invited everyone to consider someone they know that would make a good Lion. cards were passed out for members to consider. Suggestion to have an open house for the public to learn about Lions.

Committee Reports:
• Treasurers Report:   Motion to accept the treasurers report that was sent Lion Paul K, seconded by Lion Dick, all in favor, motion passed.
• Name Tags: Lion Dick is looking into new name tags. We could change the design and everyone will get a new name tag.
• Loan closet needs to be cleaned out.  There are a lot of walkers and commodes.  The cleanliness of the items donated needs to be addressed.  We are unsure exactly how to address this, Lion Dick has been cleaning the items as they are dispersed.  Tom DiJohn offered to help with the cleaning and assessment for safety.  The items can be brought to Elderwood, cleaned and assessed.  Sometimes extra items are sent to Jericho Rd.  We will try to arrange a Saturday for a clean out.
• Scholarship:  Paul Bassette. Scholarship program has been revised; we allocated an additional $500 scholarship. For this scholarship we will get assistance from the guidance counselors basing candidates on, character, positive attitude, service to community and overcome obstacles.  The guidance counselors will provide us with 2-3 names, then the committee will select the winner.  This is in addition to the other $2000 in other scholarship monies.
• Convention is May 1-3 in Buffalo
• Vision Screenings: in the GI Public schools.  Lion Tom W., Lion Gloria, Lion Anne Fahning, Lion Adrienne and Cindy Sharpe.  663 children were scheduled at Sidway, Huth and Kaegebein.  Of 624 tested 37 were referred or 6% referral. 
• January 4, District Discovery session was held to develop a plan for sustaining Lions club, a SWOT analysis was done. Strengths: screenings, service, Weakness: membership, Opportunities: 501C3 status is getting closer. Threats: the cost of being a member.  Future is our marketing and service to communities.
• Lion Bob has extra kits with an emblem and cards.

Speaker: Joan Dlugokinski: Save the Michaels of the World.
Save the Michaels is an organization to support individuals and their
families with addiction problems.  Joan gave us the background of the organization, which is committed to providing individuals with the services they need for recovery as well as hope to the family. Last year they helped over 1000 people in the region. There are 360 peer recovery coaches.  The main drive to provide a needed bed to be admitted for treatment. There are 37 meetings a month, including parenting classes, job skills and many meetings to help. Questions? How can we help, funding, running supplies, driving, clothes, underwear to name a few.  Underwear and money were donated to the organization.

• Lion Tom R. Check from Bottle Junction $202.25.
• Donations to Puerto Rico through LCIF.  The donations will be individual as we did not have to pay for the dinner tonight.
• VA service, lunch, Lions served lunch and dessert and visited with the veterans that were there.  Lion Mike Hoplight is the contact.
• Spaghetti dinner initial meeting was held with the Radisson, we should be set.  The date is Monday April 20th, 2020.
• Art of Beer March 6 at the old Niagara Falls High School, Lions will have a table for networking.
• Blood donations, locally we are in need of type O blood and plasma.  Please consider donating. Connect Life, Roswell, and Red Cross.  There will be a blood drive 2/12 at the GI highway garage.
• Family Justice Center:  Lion Tom W and Lion Donna went to the community meeting on the FJC. We will be applying for a Brandel Murphy matching grant with hopes of adopting the children’s room
• Feb 23 there is a fund raiser for the newest Lions club in Niagara County. Information will be in the newsletter.

Upcoming meetings:
• Mallwitz bowling, food on your own and meeting and bowling
• Welcome Center in the community room, meeting at 7 PM no dinner, bring your own drink. Plan the Erie Canal talk and presentation. Location and convenient way to pay.  Subcommittee may be warranted.
• April 8th Solar power presentation? At the Radisson
• April 22 at Merritton
• May 13 at the BLC: Dr. John Montague on the history of the Erie Canal. We would like to open this to the public as a Lion event.
• May 27th Peace Poster at Radisson
• June 10th at BLC, Installation dinner.

Motion to adjourn Lion Paul K seconded by Lion Paul B; Meeting adjourned at 9:00
Respectively submitted by Lion Donna Lavallee

Lions Meeting Wed Feb 26,2020 Malwitz Lanes

in attendance: Lions Anne F, Dick C, Bob G, Paul K.,Tom w., Tom R and Anne R
Lion Tom R brought us up to date on May meeting with speaker Dr. John Montague. His committee will meet to finalize plans.
Lion Dick mentioned that the price to rent the Radisson has gone up again for the Spaghetti Dinner so we may want to look at other venues going forward.
Lion Anne F suggested looking into an auto pay system for collecting money for dues, dinners and special events. Treasurer Tom will look into it.
Lion Tom W brought up several issues which he was kind enough to report here.
1.   Lion Donna and I will plan to visit the Family Justice Center's other satellites to look at the children's areas in order to get an estimate of what kind of money we will need to get in order to sponsor the Grand Island satellite.  I also will provide the FJC list for Lion Dave to publish in the March-May newsletters.  I passed around a Thank You card that disguises a pitch for all our club Lions to participate in the MD20 convention service project that is benefiting FJC.

2.   The DeGlopper Memorial Park project continues their need for funding.  Pavers are available.  I will have that information available prior to our next board meeting.

3.   The Lions state convention is being held in Buffalo this year.  We have funds that will pay for two delegates to attend and vote.  You also need to fill out the delegate voting form I assume you have received.  Also, the convention booklet is available for us to place an ad in.  Any money above the cost of publishing the booklet is turned over to our district to be used for charitable purposes only.  I will issue an email to the board for approval of the ad and its cost.
4.   Peace Poster Contest kits will be available for purchase at the cabinet meeting on April 18th.  I do not know if Lion Paul Bassette is aware of this - I contacted him and I will pick up a kit.

5.   District training is taking place March 21st.  I will need to know who is going.  I will email club members regarding this.  Currently, I believe Anne F,  Kelly and I are going.

6.   I will contact Northwest Bank to apprise them of our desires to have electronic banking in order to receive and send money without having to use postal services.  In light of that, I will investigate using PayPal and various chip/card readers that will prove beneficial to us at the Spaghetti Dinner and future fundraisers.  Lion Ann Ryan provided me with (I believe) her husband's phone number since he has experience with using these services.

7.   Great progress is occurring with the Vision Beyond Sight Foundation reorganization that will allow Lions clubs to come under the umbrella of a established 501(c)(3) foundation.  Hopefully we will be able apply for grants from organizations that only recognize 501(c)(3) groups.  It will also allow us to not pay tax on purchases and to accept donations that we can inform donors that their contribution is tax deductible.  This is not cast in stone as considerable work has to be performed first then approved by the state Attorney General and the state and international Lions organizations before we can proceed.


lion Anne


Grand Island Lions General Meeting
March 11, 2020

Attendance:  in attendance 11 Anne Fahning, Shelia Ferrentino, Tom Witkowski, Dick Crawford, Ashley Digati, Norm Hahn, Tom Rusert, Kelly McGarvey, Anne Ryan, Gloria Wise, Donna Lavallee

LP Anne called the meeting to order at 7:05 PM
Pledge: Anne F, Song: Norm Hahn, Prayer: Dick Crawford
Lion Anne Ryan: tail twister: Rock/Paper/Scissors tournament. Each member put in $2 the winner gets half of the pot. Lion Dick won and donated his $9 back to the club.
50/50 Split club: Bev Kinney, absent, Tom Digati; absent, Kelly McGarvey: silver nugget the pot of $59 goes on.

Committee Reports:

• LP Anne suggested that if meetings run over any member can excuse themselves without recourse.
• Treasurers Report:   Lion Tom Witkowski reviewed the balances in the General and Welfare funds. All members received a copy of the Budget via email. Motion to accept the treasurers report Lion Tom R, seconded Lion Kelly all in favor, no opposed. Motion passed.
• Onboarding new members: ideas were district training, Lion Anne R shared what her club had done, which was a social event at someone’s house to share wine and cheese and activities of the club
• Marketing Initiatives
• Erie Canal Presentation in May: Lion Tom put together a flier with the help of Tyler at Shelia’s office.  We were mistaken regarding what the Falconwood at Beaver Island was going to charge us to use the room.  It is not cost effective to have the event there. Lion Tom R will check out BLC, we will check out having the event at the Welcome Center.
• Spaghetti Dinner:  Lion Dick distributed the tickets.  Basket raffle committee: Lion Anne, Lion Kelly, Tom Witkowski, Shelia F., Ashley and Tom Digati. Lion Anne has letters that still need to contacted.  Lion Dick has yet to hear from Tops.  Placemats ads: Lion Dick will ensure that people purchasing ads pre pay.
• Lion Adrienne: Lion Adrienne would like an eyeglass collection box. Lion Donna has a box at home and will get this to her.  This would be a good photo op as she is a member of our club.
• Pay Pal: Lion Tom W, outside events, presentation in May, Spaghetti dinner. Fees are 2.9% We need to set this up and have a link on our General and Welfare account with an email.  Lion Tom can set this up, Motion for the treasurer to establish the PayPal account and gmail account. Lion Dick, seconded Lion Anne Ryan, all in favor. Motion passed. Lion Tom will stop by the bank tomorrow
Spring road clean up: Lion Dick will find a good town road to do, this will be done after the Spaghetti Dinner.
• Lion Anne will send out 100 community ideas.  These are community service ideas from LCIF.
• Lion Tom Digati: Via Ashley Digati.  The town of Tonawanda does an easter egg hunt with beeping eggs for the blind.  Our town does the egg hunt at the Miracle League area of Veterans Park on Friday April 10th. We may not be able to get things together for this year, but maybe we can have a presence with Hot Chocolate and donuts.
• Lion Tom R:  Had delivered a commode and picked up a thank you card with a  $20 donation.
• Lion Dick:  Announcement that the GI Neighbors foundation is having a pancake fundraiser at Elden’s 3/22/20 $5.
• Dick and Jenny’s Fundraiser, Tuesday 5/20/20

Next meeting 4/8 no meeting because of the Amazon “Olive” meeting.  We need to cancel the Radisson booking for April 8th. We will meet on March 25th at the Holiday Inn Express on the top restaurant with Pizza. 
Sig from the BLC requested that we notify them on the date of the Special Kids Picnic. 7/15/20 with a raindate on 7/22/20. Lion Kelly will relay this information.

Convention May 1-3 deadline. Ads from the clubs are $175. Lion Tom made a motion that the club purchase a $175 ad for the State convention booklet. Seconded by Lion Norm. All in favor. Lion Tom put together, a montage of pictures.
Motion to adjourn: meeting adjourned 8:31 PM

Respectively submitted by Lion Donna Lavallee

The Nominating committee has met and recommend a slate of Officers and Directors for next year. As members you will have an opportunity  to nominate additional candidates and vote vote on the candidates.

Nominees for BOD 2020/2021

President – Annette Lobl
1st VP – Kimberley Pressley
2nd VP – Paul Krupa
Treasurer – Tom Witkowski
Recording Secretary – Donna Lavallee
Corresponding Secretary – Kelly Mc Garvey
Membership Chairman– Dick Crawford
1 yr Director – Tom Rusert
1 yr Director – Anne Ryan (for Tom DiJohn)
2 yr Director – Paul Bassette
2 yr Director – Bob Goulding
Lion Tamer – Ashley / Tom Digati
Tail Twister – 1st meeting Ashley/ Tom Digati
                   -2nd meeting Anne Ryan
Past President – Anne Fahning


Grand Island Lions General Meeting
May 13, 2020

Attendance: 16 in attendance Anne Fahning Anne Ryan, Henry Lobl, Annette Lobl, Tom Rusert, Tom Witkowski, Tom Digati, Ashley Digati, Dave Chevinsky, Dick Crawford, Bob Goulding, Paul Bassette, Kim Pressley, Shelia Ferrentino, Kelly McGarvey, Donna Lavallee

Call to order 6:14 PM

Lion Tom led us in the pledge, Lion Dick; prayer.  Tail twister: Hawaiian attire, Lion Kelly wins for best effort. (Flower in her hair)

Entertain motion to, Lion Dave to accept the treasurer’s report, seconded by Lion Kelly, all in favor.

Committee Reports:
? Membership: dues are being collected by Lion Kelly and Lion Tom W. Dues are due by 6/15/2020. A reminder will go in the newsletter
? DG fundraiser is $3270 was raised so far, tickets are still available, Cabinet Dinner is scheduled for August 20.
? Kids sight: vision screening is coming up with a plan to provide glasses for adults, meeting at June 30, Tom W will attend
? LCIF: money was raised for Covid19 our state has received a 200K grant, district awarded $13k, providing meals for frontline providers
? Convention has been canceled, The person who does the t-shirts and pins has these items for sale, if a Lion wants a pin or shirt and Tom will get you in touch with the person in charge.
? Lion Aaron Day, facebook page and online presence has made 2/15 seconds spots to run as an advertisement on the local networks.
? Vision Beyond Sight Foundation: change in focus, changing the model. Each club can have a representative, meeting will be forthcoming.
? Correspondence: Thank you for Olmstead and a request from Sisters Hospital Foundation, Dr. Andy’s Day for Kids
? Special Kids Picnic: Lion Annette and Lion Ashley, Lion Ashley states that there will probably be distance learning for the summer. The picnic may have to be canceled.
? $300 donation was sent to the GI Food bank
? Scholarship committee: Paul B, Mark F, Henry L, Annette L, Norm Hahn and Donna Lavallee. Winners will be announced soon. A total of $2500, $2000 regular and $500 Lion Character and Effort scholarship, new this year.
? We may ask Dick and Jenny’s if they will do a booster night for us as a take out affair.
? Voting: nominating committee Anne F, Dick C, Paul B, no nominations from the floor
? Lion Paul Bassette presented the Nomination of Officers for the 2020-2021 calendar year.   
o President: Lion Annette Lobl
o 1st VP: Lion Kimberley Pressley
o 2nd VP: Lion Paul Krupa
o Corresponding Secretary: Lion Kelly McGarvey
o Recording Secretary:  Lion Donna Lavallee
o Treasurer: Lion Tom Witkowski
o Tail Twister: Tom and Ashley Digati (1st week)Lion Anne Ryan (2nd week)
o Director 1 year: Lion Tom Rusert
o Director 1 year:  Lion Anne Ryan (vacancy Tom DiJohn)
o Director 2 year:  Lion Paul Bassette
o Director 2 year:  Lion Bob Goulding
o Membership Director:  Lion Dick Crawford
o Immediate Past President: Lion Anne Fahning
Lion Anne moves that the slate is accepted, Seconded by Lion Kelly, motion

? Installation Dinner: How do we do this? We could do this by zoom and dress up, the year begins 7/1/20. We could use Anne Fahning’s front lawn only for members with social distance. We need to see if there is a lifting of the minimum of 10 persons as a gathering. We do not need to do an installation dinner as it is only a formality, or we could wait until September. Lion Kelly will send an email to the club, then send the names to LCIF.
? 10/23:  Charter night for the New Niagara Falls Club.

New Business

? DG visitation:  This will not happen this year due to a conflict.  Only dates available are not on our regular meeting nights. Open dates are 9/30 12/2, these are not our regular days, based upon our discussion tonight.  This is dependent on how we build our calendar this year. We could change our Christmas party to 12/2. We could change our second Sept meeting to 9/23 instead of 9/30. Motion to change 9/23 to 9/30 to accommodate the visitation of the DG, seconded by Lion Dave, motion passed.
? Chautauqua health department states there is a need for children’s facemasks.  There is a pattern online and some Joann Fabric stores will give you material for free, then the masks will be sent to Chautauqua.  This will be posted on our facebook page. Lion Tom Digati will reach out to a community group that may have extras.
? Food pantry: $300 to Neighbors Foundation, Tom allocated 2 others for matching grants for $250. Lion T will look into this for our club.
? We will need to move funds for the scholarship fund.
? We may work on adding a donate button to our facebook page.

Motion to adjourn Lion Paul B seconded by Lion Tom W; Meeting adjourned at 7:22PM


Dear Lions.....
Our 2020/2021 Club Officers have been elected.  The voting occurred during our Zoom club meeting this past Wednesday.  Here are next year's Officers:

President – Annette Lobl
1st VP – Kimberley Pressley
2nd VP – Paul Krupa
Treasurer – Tom Witkowski
Recording Secretary – Donna Lavallee
Corresponding Secretary – Kelly Mc Garvey
1 yr Director – Tom Rusert
1 yr Director – Anne Ryan (for Tom DiJohn)
2 yr Director – Paul Bassette
2 yr Director – Bob Goulding
Lion Tamer – Ashley / Tom Digati
Tail Twister – 1st meeting Ashley/Tom Digati
                       -2nd meeting Anne Ryan
Membership Committee Chairperson – Dick Crawford
Past President – Anne Fahning

Congratulations and a BIG "Thank You" to those who will serve our Club next year!

Lion Kelly McGarvey


Minutes- June 10,2020
Lions Club Meeting. Via Zoom
Called to order 6:05
In attendance: Paul B., Tom R., Tom W., Paul K., Anne F., Anne R., Dave., Gloria, and Kelly
Tail Twister Anne Ryan posed the question “Has there been a positive experience you have discovered while being at home during Covid 19?”
Just a few responses: Anne R has learned to do her own pedicure and learned a stretch that allows her to reach her feet. Haha. Kelly is surprised to still be happily married to Jim. Anne F has spent more time with her daughters’ family. They came from Brooklyn to school and work from home here. Tom W. has his garden looking good and invited any of us to join him there for a visit.
The treasurers’ report was approved. Lion Tom is still looking for a Niagara Falls food pantry to receive $250 allocated in our budget. Lion Anne F suggested Heart, Love and Soul and will send him a link to their website.
There was a reminder that our service project to clean a street on Grand Island will be held this Saturday, June 13th at 9 am. We will meet at the new Viking Restaurant on Grand Island Blvd.  Vests, gloves, bags and grabbers will be provided.
Lion Paul B announced the winners of this year’s scholarships. He and his committee, Mark, Annette, Henry, Donna and Norm, requested that the money be held until Sept 1,2021 if a winner decides to delay their entrance into college because of the virus. The Board later approved that request.
$1,000 Sean Rutowicz, $500 Luke Hess, $500 Katrina Linenfelser and our new award based on character, financial need, effort in school, grade of 80% or better and who may have unfortunate circumstances that provide a challenge. His name is Paul Singh ($500). Paul read a moving letter of recommendation submitted on behalf of the young man.
Lion Dave suggested we clean out the loan closet at the NIKE Base on Whitehaven road. We will meet there next Wednesday, the 17th at 9 am. We hope that several members can make it. Many Hands Make Light Work
Lion Anne R followed up on her attempt to set up a donation page for our Club on FB. She is not able to at this time.
Tom W brought up that several placemat ads have yet to be paid for from our last spaghetti dinner. He will determine the dollar amount so we can resolve it. We may have to write some of it off as bad debt.
Our president can designate 3 delegates to vote at a Zoom meeting on June 27th at noon to approve changes that Vision Beyond Sight is making to streamline reporting of testing results. Tom will forward the information to Anne F. If anyone would like to be a delegate, please let Anne know.
7:00 motion to adjourn Lion Kelly. Seconded by Lion Gloria. Motion passed
Respectfully submitted by Lion Pres. Anne Fahning


Grand Island Lions Club General Meeting
September 09, 2020 via zoom

Attendance: 9 Paul Krupa, Anne Ryan, Kelly McGarvey, Tom Digati, Ashley Digati, Tom Rusert, Anne Fahning, Tom Witkowski, Donna Lavallee
The meeting was called to order by LP Paul Krupa at 6:13PM. 
Pledge led by Lion Tom W, Lions Prayer, Lion Anne

Motion to release the tail twister: Anne Ryan

Treasurers Report: Tom Witkowski The balances for the general and welfare accounts were reviewed.  All members received a copy of the report via email.  The club will be getting a check from the Community Foundation for Greater Buffalo in the total of $1543.61.  We have some open-ended collection for spaghetti dinner advertisements on the placements.  Lion Dick has not sent these out as of yet.
Motion: to accept treasurers report Lion Tom R, seconded by Lion Anne F, motion passed.

Lion Tom Rusert purchased 3 lions club masks at LCIF, bids were taken for the masks winning bidders will post on the White Cane drive Go Fund me page.

Corresponding Secretary:  Lion Kelly: Thank you from the Family Justice Center on our donation and matching grant for the children’s room. This could be posted on the website. Lion Kelly will scan it to Anne Ryan for posting on the website.

White Cane:  Lion Ann established a GoFundMe page with a goal of $3000.  So far we have raised $635. Anne will try to promote through Isledegrande and in the cracker-barrel in the Island Dispatch.  We need to keep sharing on social media. If we run an advertisement we can put a link to the GoFundMe page.

Bottle redemption: Nothing new yet.  They are overloaded by bags that have been dropped off. 

Non perishable food items. Trinity church is doing a food give away the last Saturday of the month at the church from 11-1 PM.  Lion Donna will get everyone a list. Items can be dropped off at the church behind Old Trinity in the big black bins.

Spaghetti Dinner:  Can we do a drive up/pick up with pre-sale tickets. Maybe at the Radisson in the spring time.  We need more time to organize for October. We would like to not miss another opportunity for this fundraiser.

Hearing aids and Eyeglasses:  Bob Goulding will not be driving as of January 1, 2021.  We may have to ship these items ourselves as Walmart will not be offering this service.  Nothing new on the hearing aid front.  Lion Donna will get an eyeglass collection box for Lion Adrienne Cassata.  We need a new committee chair for eyeglass collection. Lion Tom W will contact Lion Tom Reinagel to see what we should be doing about eyeglass donations.


SEE: Vision screening at the GI schools will maybe take place Lion Tom W will contact Cheryl Cardone at the schools and the preschools on GI.

Loan Closet; Lion Tom R.  2 shower seats request.  The area is still nice and clean.

New Business: 
• Lion Anne Ryan, Christmas Caroling could be fun. We could do in front of Howard Hanna, Holiday cheer from the Lions Club.  “Help the Lions Help the Blind” Lion Anne will set up a committee, Lion Anne F, Lion Anne R and Lion Kelly and any new members that may want to join.
• Upcoming meetings, some clubs are planning on meeting face to face, some via zoom.  What do we feel comfortable doing?  Our next meeting on 9/23 is with the new DG.  Lion Tom W suggested that we have the meeting live. Lion Kelly contacted the Welcome Center and they are only allowing 6-8 people.  Meeting room at Burger King, they need to get back to her. Meeting room at Holiday Inn Express (maybe $50 charge) Radisson in the actual restaurant. We could say a max turnout of 20 people.  Lion Kelly:  Motion was made to have the DG meeting a zoom meeting to make it easier for all to attend without concern. Lion Tom D will see if he can find a location on GI for a combo meeting.
• Next meeting Zoom meeting 9/23 at 6:30 PM.

Lion Tom R, motion to adjourn, seconded by Lion meeting Anne adjourned.  7:08 PM.

Respectively submitted by Lion Donna Lavallee
Grand Island Lions Club Board Meeting
September 9, 2020

LP Paul Krupa, Tom W. Anne F, Anne R, Kelly Mc, Tom R, Tom D., Donna L
Budget discussion:  We have not set anything to officially discuss budget. We used to have a budget committee to review the Budget prior to a meeting on a monthly basis.  Tom will reach out to Lion Henry and Lion Dick to see if they would be willing to serve on this committee.

No pending requests, although we do have fixed expenses that the club donates to.  Brandel Murphy will not be doing a Super bowl fundraiser.  They will be offering a Super Hero’s fundraiser with a cash prize of $5000.

Golden Age Center could use some help. Lion Tom Digati and Lion Tom W will work as a liaison for the GAC helpers.

Motion to adjourn: Lion Anne, seconded by Lion Kelly, all in favor, meeting adjourned.


Grand Island Lions Club General Meeting
September 23, 2020 via zoom

Attendance: 9 Paul Krupa, Anne Ryan, Kelly McGarvey, Tom Digati, Ashley Digati, Tom Rusert, Anne Fahning, Tom Witkowski, Henry Lobl, Annette Lobl, Dick Crawford, Dave Chervinsky, Donna Lavallee
The meeting was called to order by LP Paul Krupa at 6:45PM. 
Pledge led by Lion Tom R, Lions Prayer, Lion Dick

Treasurers Report: Tom Witkowski The balances for the general and welfare accounts were reviewed.  All members received a copy of the report via email.  Budget committee met, Lion Tom W, Lion Henry and Lion Dick.  This was mailed to club members and will be voted on at the next meeting.

Motion: to accept treasurers report Lion Tom R, seconded by Lion Anne F, motion passed.

Corresponding Secretary:  Lion Kelly: Invitation to Dining in the Dark.

White Cane:  Lion Ann The GoFundMe page will remain open with one more social media push as well one more time in Isledegrande and in the crackerbarrel in the Island Dispatch. 

Christmas Carol Committee:  Lion Anne R: The committee met.  The event will take place on December 5, time TBD. Proceeds will go to the Grand Island Neighbors foundation and perhaps another charitable cause.  Needs are a net for collecting donations.

Spaghetti Dinner:  We can do a drive up/pick up with pre-sale tickets. Maybe at the Radisson, the High School or Trinity the spring time.  We need time to organize for after the first of the year.

Peace Poster: Paul Krupa for Paul Bassette.  We were unable to give out the awards for last year Peace Poster winners due to Covid 19.  Last years first place winner advanced to third place in the district.  We will combine this year and last year winner in the Spring.  The Middle School art teacher is interested in promoting the Peace Poster contest.

Old Business: None
New Business: Possibility of a Wendy’s fundraiser
Service project of fall road cleanup.  The date will be organized in October.

Lion Tom R, motion to adjourn, seconded by Lion meeting Anne adjourned.  7:45 PM.

Next meeting 10/14/2020 via zoom

Respectively submitted by Lion Donna Lavallee

Grand Island Lions Club
Regular  meeting minutes
10.14.2020   6:30 pm
In attendance: LP Paul, Paul B., Tom R., Dick C., Anne F., Kelly and Donna
6:54 pm. Call to order, Pledge of Allegiance- Lion Dick.      Prayer- Paul B
Treasurers report: $1,543.61 was received from the Community Foundation of greater Buffalo.
   Dick moved to accept the Treasurers report, Anne F seconded it. It passed unanimously.
Secretary’s report: membership cards were distributed. The GI library had made a request for books for the blind. There was discussion as to whether the books are being loaned and it was confirmed that they are. The library has not requested a donation in 4 years. The library is open and operating. The matter was referred to the BOD
Committee reports:
 Lion Paul B. reminded us that the Peace Posters are due this Friday Oct. 16th. He is arranging for judging to be held next Wed., Oct21 at the Welcome Center.
 Lion Anne R. reported to lion Pres. Paul that the plans for our Christmas Caroling fundraiser are   continuing. There was discussion to locate a karaoke machine and possibly propane heaters.
 Lion Tom R. The neighbors Foundation has reached out to ask for food for their pantry. In the past few weeks there has been an increased demand. Since everyone is not able to attend in person meetings, he has said that anyone can drop Tops gift cards, checks or donations of nonperishable goods to his porch at 895 N Colony. It would be nice if we have a generous donation for October. We will do it again for Thanksgiving. So good to have some activity to help our community!
Old business: We will end our white Cane Drive at the beginning of Nov. Please post again if you are able. So far we have raised $800. (search: Go Fund Me White Cane Grand Island)
Paul B has noticed that our Club signs at both North and South locations entering the Island are badly faded. Dick will talk to a sign maker about refurbishing and Kelly will find the cost to replace.
The budget has been presented to the Club. Our treasurer is awaiting a response from more members to approve it. Committee member Dick suggests we curtail our spending until we can return to normal fundraising activity. Paul B hopes we can continue to offer our $2,000 scholarships based on scholastics and community service plus the $500 new scholarship based on character and effort. Members agreed that if funds allow, we should continue.
Dick has a $50 raffle ticket from the Sheriffs Dept. He thought we could find a way to raise money that way.
Anne F mentioned that the Sheridan Dr Lions Club raised $1400 with just 2 baskets at a recent event. One was liquor and the other gift cards and lottery tickets.
Kelly had spoken with Lion Bob G. He said that there were no glasses to pick up at Walmart. Anne mentioned that Lion Adrienne could use an eye glass drop box at her business.
Dick: The loan closet need s a better system of drop off and pick up. Tom R said that he will make a sheet to record donations and give it to Kelly to report.
The 50/50 drawing was up to $59! Pres Paul picked Danielle, Tom B., Mark F., Jeanine, Dan, Bob G., Adrienne, Bob C., and Bev before he drew his own name!! Paul then picked the gold wrapped candy to win! Congrats Paul and thank you for generously donating it to the White Cane Drive.
Déjà vu.  Dick did the same thing a couple of years ago when the jackpot was large.
8:20 Motion to adjourn- Tom R. Second Anne F.


Grand Island Lions Club General Meeting
October 28, 2020 via zoom

Attendance: 11;  Paul Krupa, Kelly McGarvey, Dick Crawford, Dave Chervinsky, Anne Fahning, Tom Witkowski, Shelia Ferrentino, Tom Rusert, Anne Ryan, Paul Bassette, Donna Lavallee
PM.  Pledge led by Lion Tom R, Lions Prayer, Lion Paul B, a moment of silence for Lion Annette Bois Lobl. Mass will be on October 29, 2020 at 10 AM for Lion Annette.

Treasurers Report: Tom Witkowski The balances for the general account: $8910.73 with state dues out $8020.73. Welfare account $4392.27. Outstanding Peace Poster award checks out leaves $4167.27.  All members received a copy of the report via email. 

Motion: to accept treasurers report Lion Dick C, seconded by Lion Anne F, motion passed.

Corresponding Secretary:  Lion Kelly: Former letter from Hopeful Ways, this differs from the group that Lion Anne F is associated with “Seeds of Love”. Neither organization is on our list at this time.              

Christmas Carol Committee:  Lion Anne R: The committee met, Anne R, Anne F, Kelly and Jeanine. Lion Jeanine will be doing a Poster that we will have during the event. Lion Anne sent out a request for volunteers, however, many members did not receive and she will resend. The event will take place on December 5, Noon to 2 PM and 2-4 PM people to sign up for a specific time. Proceeds will go to the Grand Island Neighbors foundation. Advertisement to the GI Dispatch, Isle de Grande, crackerbarrel and Facebook. Wear something fun and a Lion’s facemask if you have one.  LCIF has facemasks available for purchase.    

Facebook posts:  Lion Anne will post on facebook.

Budget Committee:   Lion Tom is updating the budget as needed. We need to have to 2/3 of the voting body to vote on the budget. Lion Tom will reach out to those that have yet to vote.

By-Laws:  nothing to report

Eyeglass collection:  Lion Paul B.  Lion Bob will be stepping down for this in January. Lion Paul will call Lion Bob to see his suggesions. We need a volunteer for this committee.

Loan Closet: We should get some wheel chairs and walkers and make an appeal for these products for community distribution.  Maybe we can do this at Lion Adrienne’s business. Lion Dick will contact Lion Adrienne.  Lion Tom said that Wheatfield Lions may have an excess that they would be willing to part with.                                                                                                                              

Peace Poster:  Lion Paul Bassette:  Theme: “Peace through Service”12 posters submitted through Veronica Connor Middle School, the committee met, Paul Krupa, Shelia, Anne F, Mark Frenzel and Paul Bassette.  Winners selected;  First; McKenna Lavin $100, Second Place; Noah Magee $50, Honorable mention: Pianna Magee $25, Second honorable mention: Emily Goss, $25.  Lion Paul will have the winner fill out the notation form so that it can be submitted to the District wide competition.  If we can invite the winners in May from this year’s and last year’s winners, dependent on Covid restrictions. We were the only club to submit a poster this year!
Melvin Jones and Uplinger: Nothing to report at this time, Lion Paul B will check on possible monies available from LCIF.

Newsletter and Website: Lion Dave: The website has been updated.  Members should get on the site and check the updates.

Old Business: None
Service project of fall road cleanup.  The date will be organized in Spring as it is late in the year.

New Business:  Lion Kelly looked at the Highway Emblem signs at either end of GI, They are 30”.  From LCIF the cost is $102.95 non reflective, reflective with tape $122.  Lion Dick will check with Erie County sign shop to see if they can get these for less. Lion Tom W will email the logos to ion Dick. The existing signs are approximately 10 years old.

• Lion Tom W: We have tickets for the Super Hero raffle from the Brandel Murphy Fund, tickets are available we have 7 remaining tickets; $20 ticket or 5 for $100.  Grand Prize is $5000. Let Lion Tom know if you would like one.
• DG Rick: Fundraiser 50:50 raffle, tickets are available. Lion Rock and Lion Sharon will donate dollar for dollar to LCIF.
• Trinity Food collection for Thanksgiving Dinner Bags: The club will be donating list will be distributed. Club will make a donation was the budget has passed.
• Family Justice Center:  They have a wish list for contributions.
• Lion Tom R is collecting for the Neighbors Foundation

Lion Tom R, motion to adjourn, seconded by Lion meeting Tom W adjourned.  7:45 PM.

Next meeting 11/11/2020 via zoom or Lion Dick will check out Mallwitz in the larger room.  December meeting could be at Moose. Lion Dick will check both, with the possibility of a zoom meeting simultaneously.

Respectively submitted by Lion Donna Lavallee


Grand Island Lions Club General Meeting
November 11, 2020 via zoom

Attendance: 10; Paul Krupa, Kelly McGarvey, Dick Crawford, Anne Fahning, Tom Witkowski, Tom Digati, Ashley Digati, Paul Bassette, Dave Chervinsky, Donna Lavallee
PM.  Pledge led by Lion Kelly, Lions Prayer, Lion Paul B

Minutes from the 10-28-20. Motion to accept the minutes Lion Anne F, seconded by Lion Kelly, all in favor, motion passed.

Treasurers Report: Tom Witkowski The balances for the general account: $8910.73 with state dues out $890, balance $8020.73. Welfare account $4292.22 + $125 in Peace poster contest. All members received a copy of the report via email. 

Motion: to accept treasurers report Lion Donna, seconded by Lion Dave, motion passed.

Corresponding Secretary:  Lion Kelly: Mail from Excalibur requesting money to meet basic expenses, they are in our budget without a designated amount, this will be a board decision following the general meeting. MD 20 Leo request for sponsoring Leo clubs in our district, 6 tickets to purchase. Tickets for Brandel Murphy. To be discussed at board meeting. Correspondence from Fred and Tammy Ruocco with a donation to the club.  We will send a thank you and post the card in the newsletter. Lion Kelly is reported to LCIF.

Loan Closet: We have a good supply of equipment; Lion Dick gave away a wheel chair and a couple of items today.  Lion Donna posted on “Nextdoor” and we got a couple of donations.

Christmas Carol Committee:  December 5, we will be outside, we should be OK for Covid needs.  Lion Anne F and Lion Kelly meet with Tops manager Mike. We will be in the front on the bottle drop side.  We have 14 songs; Lion Kelly has printed out the lyrics for the songs. Lion Anne will bring an Alexa for music.  We need a net for collecting money.  We could have a box for food donations.  We need the banner. Proceeds will go to the Grand Island Neighbors foundation.

White Cane: Lion Anne has put a stop date on the Facebook post. Tally of donations so far is $811.64.

Budget Committee:   Lion Tom is updating the budget as needed. We need to have to 2/3 of the voting body to vote on the budget. Lion Tom will reach out to those that have yet to vote.

Christmas Party:  We will do a remote event, via zoom.  The DG will be attending, as well as Rick Jamiciak, Mike Yost and Spencer Vale. A donation will of $150 to the DG charity of choice and a motion to meet via zoom; Lion Donna, seconded by Lion Anne.  We have not installed the officers, perhaps we can ask him to install the officers and give his presentation as the meeting.

Peace Poster:  Lion Paul Bassette:  All the winners have been notified and the checks have been sent.  Our GI winner is the district winner.  Lion Paul would like to give the art teacher a plaque of recognition of his support of the Peace Poster contest.  If we have a spaghetti dinner, Lion Paul B would like him to invite him and his wife to the dinner on the club’s expense with recognition at the dinner. A picture will be submitted to Isle de Grande and the dispatch with the winner’s names. We could try to submit this the Buffalo News, Lion Dave will check with Lion Shelia’s contact at the News.

Melvin Jones and Uplinger: Lion Paul K, Mail received that we have made enough donations.  Lion Paul B called LCIF for account balance $2380.  We need to decide if we want to honor a Melvin Jones from the club and or the community.  The Melvin Jones committee will get together to discuss this further.
MOW: Lion Annette had chaired this committee.  Can we recruit some of our new members to commit to organizing this committee? Lion Paul K jumped in last week. We need one other person.  We need a chair that deals with the Golden Age Center.  We received a contact with a college student that would like to be involved, perhaps this is a good fit.  Lion Dave will send this individual a note with the activities that the club does.  We could invite him to our next zoom meeting.  Committee members this far, Lion Dave, Lion Anne, Lion Paul K, Lion Shelia, Lion Tom Digati will chair this committee and set the schedule.

Special Kids Picnic: Lion Henry has all of the information that Lion Annette has complied over the past years.  We need volunteer(s) for chairing this event, we will continue to discuss over the coming months.  Lion Paul K will pick up the binder from Lion Henry. The club can share the duties if needed. Lion Ashley can contact the schools if need be. Lion Anne F will coordinate the boats and Lion Tom W will coordinate the animals and the insurance. We can discuss this further at the January meeting.

Sunshine Committee:  Lion Annette had also coordinated this; we need this to go out the membership with the need for this committee.  We could send out the duties in the newsletter with the hope that someone feels the calling for this important committee.

Eyeglass collection:  Lion Paul K met with Lion Bob. Lion Paul K take over this committee. will be stepping down for this in January. Lion Paul will call Lion Bob to see his suggestions. We need a volunteer for this committee. Lion Dick will ask past Lion Ross about hearing aids that are left on clients.

Historical Society: They have items left over from their sale.  Lion Donna will contact Jody Robinson to take a look at it for potential sale on marketplace. Lion Donna, Lion Anne, Lion Tom W and Lion Dick will go over and look.

Donation:  In Lion Annette’s name, to be discussed at the board meeting.  Or to LCIF. Perhaps a tree at Veteran’s Park in memorium.

New Business:  from cabinet meeting
1. DONATIONS: Request for funds for campus club Lions and Raymond Wheeler Foundation. 
2. KUDOS! Very positive comments about our PPC winning poster.  Lions wondered how Grand Island was able to do it when only two other clubs made unsuccessful attempts to obtain submissions.  I told them it was because of Lion Paul Bassette and a dedicated GICSD teacher that got the job done.  McKenna’s entry now moves on to state competition.
3. SERVICE: Covid vaccinations will be occurring in WNY per Governor Cuomo.  When the vaccine becomes available he is asking all organized groups to help process people and paperwork at the vaccination centers.
4. SERVICE: The GI FJC satellite is in need of help this Saturday between 9 and 11 AM, to help clean it in prep for its opening.  The opening has not been scheduled yet.  Contact Karen Panzarella, 829-7325 or
5. SERVICE:  Lion Mike Hoplight is looking for Lions to serve on a veteran’s steering committee to determine our benefit to the veteran’s groups that are suffering from declines in membership.  There are numerous young unaffiliated veterans who could use help.  Lion Mike suggests reaching out to local veteran groups offering our help.
6. SERVICE:  We are currently awaiting clearance to start vision screenings in the schools.  On GI, that decision will be made by the school nurses and school staff.  When they concur, Cheryl Cardone will contact me.  For now, Buffalo is not allowing us in.
7. MISCELLANEOUS:  East Aurora Lion Rick Jachimiak has been nominated as 2nd VDG for 2021-2022, followed by West Seneca Lion Mike Yost as 1st VDG, and Evans Township Lion Spencer Vail for DG.
8. MISCELLANEOUS:  Is ZC Paul Smith on our mailing lists for our activities and does he get the newsletter?  When he gives reports, we’re rarely mentioned.

Lion Kelly, motion to adjourn, seconded by Lion Tom W adjourned.  7:50 PM.

Respectively submitted by Lion Donna Lavallee

Grand Island Lions Club General Meeting December 9, 2020 via zoom

 Attendance: 18;  Paul Krupa, Kelly McGarvey, Dick Crawford, Anne Fahning, Tom Witkowski, Tom Digati, Ashley Digati, Paul Bassette, Dave Chervinsky, Tom Rusert, DG Rick Battaglia, Sharon Battaglia, Donna Lavallee, Shelia Ferrentino, Marla Crawford, Diana Witkowski, Bob Fahning, Stu Lavallee
 The meeting was called to order by LP Paul Krupa at 6:36 PM.                                                                                                                                                                                                           Pledge led by Lion Donna, Lions Prayer, Lion Paul B Lion Tom W introduced our guests DG Rick Battaglia and PDG Lion Sharon Battaglia
 Letter from the Library requesting a donation for Lion Paul K made a motion to make the donation for $250 the large print books, seconded by Lion Anne, all in favor, Lion Dick abstained.
 Lion Tom R, bottle junction $244.25 check for the general fund.
 Lion Tom R:GI neighbor’s foundation donations were dropped off.  The neighbor’s foundation will be handing out food tomorrow. There will be 38 families that they will be dropping off bags to. Assembly tomorrow at the KOC.
 Lion Donna: Trinity Thanksgiving Food giveaway resulted in 40 bags for Thanksgiving dinner. There will be a Christmas dinner food giveaway.
 MOW: Lion Tom Digati: Our next date is December 18, 2020 participants will be Lion Tom W and Lion Dave. Lion Tom Digati will get the dates for us for 2021. Lion Tom D needs the committee participants so that he can be in contact with members.
 Lion Annette memorial has over $1000 in gifts.
 LCIF Centennial program will conclude June 30, 2021 Our club has had a Gold Centennial award to Lion Dave for Lion Adrian Cassata and o Ltion Tom R: Lion Danielle Rose, Lion Justine
Diamond Centennial recruiting new member s for 3 years and 1 day Lion Tom R
Premier Centennial awards 2 years and one day Lion Dave
Key award: Lion Dick
Member pin 25 years Lion Dan Morabito
 Lion Tom introducing DG Lion Rick Battaglia.
DG Rick Battaglia addressed the club on his goals for the 2020-2021 year. DG Ricks’s theme is “Reimagine”, trying to do things differently on the District level. Action steps were set to build some goals based on a SWOT analysis. Goals will be ongoing to build on PDG and the current DG as well as the future DGs successes.  Membership is a need, USA has not had a positive growth in membership in over 40 years. Last year we had a 25 net new members in WNY, however, not including the new clubs we had an over 40 members net loss.  There is a membership grant at LCI for our district of up to $4k. First request from the DG is for matching contributions. Second request; supporting the DG raffle, tickets are available from Lion Tom W and Lion Sharon B. Tickets are $5, Lion Rick and Lion Sharon will match the donations. Also buy a ticket and get a convention pin that was supposed to be for the Buffalo convention 2020. Money raised will go for membership development. 

 LP Paul: addressing the club, looking forward to the remainder of the year so that we can continue serving our community.
 Contribution in the DG Name for $150 to LCIF.
 Time for the party……
 Next Meeting 1/13/21 zoom meeting
Respectively submitted by Lion Donna Lavallee

